Congratulations Yani Xue for successfully defending here thesis titled “Effective and Efficient Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization”
Congratulations Yani Xue for successfully defending here thesis titled “Effective and Efficient Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization”
Congratulations to Lilly Yousefi for passing her PhD viva with minor corrections.
Thesis Title: “Opening Artificial intelligence Black Box Models: Disease Prediction and Patient Personalisation Using Hidden Variable Discovery and Dynamic Bayesian Networks“
Lilly is now working at Brunel Biosciences in collaboration with the Turing Institute and UCL.
A collaboration between the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), MHRA Medical Devices Division and researchers at Brunel University has led to the creation of two innovative synthetic datasets which will support the development of cutting-edge medical technologies to fight COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease. More detail here.
Congratulations to Erfan Sajjadi and Ben Evans for their succesful submissions to the SOGOOD workship at ECML this year:
Erfan Sajjadi et al. Building Trajectories over Topology with TDA-PTS: An Application in Modelling Temporal Phenotypes of Disease
Ben Evans et al. Reasoning about Neural Network Activations: An Application in Spatial Animal Behaviour from Camera Trap Classifications
Other new publications from the group include:
Biraja Ghoshal & Allan Tucker, On Calibrated Model Uncertainty in Deep Learning, ECML Workshop on Uncertainty in Machine Learning
Juan de Benediti et al. Practical Lessons from Generating Synthetic Healthcare Data with Bayesian Networks, SOGOOD, ECML 2020
Arianna Dagliati et al. Using Topological Data Analysis and Pseudo Time Series to Infer Temporal Phenotypes from Electronic Health Records, AI in Medicine Journal
Thesis title: “Machine Learning for the Transparent and Unbiased Prediction of Student Performance”
The Group is on lockdown but work continues:
Seminars are continuing online
Some staff are volunteering their hardware and data analysis skills at Hillingdon hospital
A collaboration with the MHRA and CPRD will result in synthetic primary care data being made available for Covid19 research.
Biraja Ghoshal has been exploring his methods for identifying Covid19 from lung images:
IDA seminars will continue in spite of the UK lockdown. Last week’s was held successfully with three talks from successful IDA 2020 submissions.
Due to the ongoing Corona virus restrictions IDA 2020 will be held as a virtual conference online on the original dates. As a result it will be free to all! More information will be posted here nearer the time: IDA2020
The IDA group has just been awarded a Royal Society International Exchange grant to foster collaborations with the Wildlife Institute of India on “Developing Deep Learning Techniques for individually identifying Tigers and other species in India from camera trap image”
The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine conference will be in Porto in June 2021
IEEE International Concference on Data Mining will be in Sorrento in Italy in November 2020
The European Conference on Machine Learning will be in Ghent, Belgium in Sept 2020