Title: Interactive visualisation of field collected botanical specimen metadata: supporting data mining process development
Authors: Nicky Nicolson ([email protected])1,2, Allan Tucker2
Affiliations: 1. Biodiversity Informatics & Spatial Analysis, RBG Kew (UK), 2. Department of Computer Science, Brunel University London (UK)
Abstract: This slide deck outlines the development and utilisation of an interactive data visualisation tool, developed throughout a PhD level research project. Originally designed to aid initial data exploration and gather expert input, the toolkit was further refined to support process design, quality assurance and refinement by viewing data mining results at known stages of a pipeline process, and to enable visualisation of data aggregations used to define new features for use in predictive models. Newly defined features can be regarded as additional data, feeding back into data exploration and forming an iterative process. The toolkit has contributed to reproducible research by adding tool support and activity logging at one of the loosest stages of the research process.
Conference website: https://ida2018.org
Slides: https://bit.ly/nicolson-ida2018